Who are we?

Welcome to The Life Upgrades website. My name is Vasilis Stefanou, I am the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of this website. Even though other people involved every now and then behind the scenes you will receive products, coaching and most of the information on the website from me. Of course their time and efforts are greatly appreciated.

Why is this website helpful for you?

This website is like a diary of my own journey on how I’m constantly upgrading my life, as well as other people that I help. Also the rest of the contributors on this website have their own say on how they improve their way of life. We try to bring you enjoyable, easy-to-digest and actionable content. We care about staying authentic and giving you value-based content in simple words in order for you to implement the tips and ideas.

Who am I?

First of all, I’m just an ordinary person who used to be in the worst state possible. I was very skinny and lived a very unhealthy lifestyle. I was always stressed and my way of thinking was very negative. I was also really shy, to the point that people had to talk to me first and I still didn’t know what to say most of the time. My experiences with relationships were also quite bad. Lastly I dropped out of universities a couple of times and had no idea on what to do next with my life.

Then I decided to change everything and create a life which I will be grateful for. So I started working out, eating healthier, learning more about the things that I wanted to improve in my life and worked in various industries. Apart from reading countless books, I received multiple diplomas & certificates and also practical advice from mentors. Here are most of my credentials:

The Life Upgrades - Vasilis Stefanou - seated

Academic Studies

  • Diploma in Inter-culturally Speaking (Defining culture and Geert Hofstede’s ‘software of the mind’, Carl G. Jung’s psychological types and Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Language and social identity, Gender and social class in social interaction, Time, space, context and nonverbal communication in different cultures, Geert Hofstede’s ‘dimensions’ of national cultures, Cultural cohesion, prejudice and stereotypes of ‘the other’, Culture shock, immigration and acculturation, Business cultures and globalised world, Becoming an inter-cultural communicator) by Oxford University
  • Diploma in Social Anthropology – An Introduction (Key concepts and sub-disciplines of anthropology, Culture and society, Personal identity, Dealing with difference, Cultural and Moral relativism, Representation and derivation, Kinship and relatedness, Key ideas and terminology of kinship, Kinship diagrams, Case studies – Australia and the US, New reproductive technologies and kinship in the twenty-first century, Witchcraft, religion and science – making sense of the world, Scientific rationality and the rationality of witchcraft, Positivism & post-positivism, Case study – The Azande, Evans-Pritchard and the Azande, Wicca and religion, Structural functionalism – social function of witchcraft in Azande society, Gift exchange and reciprocity, Understanding the structure of gift exchange, The Gift by Mauss, Malinowski and the kula ring of the Trobriand Islands, Analysing gift-giving practices and altruism, Ritual and rites of passage – defining social status, Van Gennep and rites of passages, Turner on rituals, Circumcision, rites of manhood and coming of age, Structural functionalism, symbolism and case study of the Ndembu, Political anthropology – power, authority and patterns of social organisation, Anthropological perspectives of power and political organisation, Sahlins on ‘big man’ of Melanesian society, Case studies – The Nuer and Melanesia, Hutchinson on present-day Nuer society, Humans and the environment – the anthropology of landscape, Interpreting the social significance of the physical world, Nature and culture – the environment from an anthropological perspective, Multiple meanings of landscape, Anthropocentricity and consuming the landscape, Personhood – what defines the category ‘person’?, Case studies – the Gahuku Gama and the Tallensi, Personhood and human rights, Sex and gender – biology, identity and society, Feminist anthropology and the anthropology of gender, Case study – Third genders, The social construction of sex, Ethnicity and globalisation – understanding hyperdiversity, Defining globalisation and ethnicity, Globalisation – social implications) by Oxford University
  • Diploma in Human Nature Re-examined (Human nature – A concept under scrutiny, Human essence, The essentialist hypothesis, Human Genome Project, The Nature-nurture debate, Plato’s divided soul and contemporary divisions in psychology, Leontius’ struggle and The chariot allegory, Dual-Process Theories, Aristotle on stable character versus modern situationism, Aristotle on reason, virtue and happiness, Goldilocks and the mean, Objections to virtue ethics, Human spirituality in East and West, Christianity and the self, Thomas Aquinas on Christianity and Aristotle, Buddhism and the no-self view, Origins of human suffering in Buddhism, Personal and societal functions of religion, Animist thinking, Thomas Hobbes on competition and social formation, The rise of individualism, Psychological egoism, Contemporary responses to Hobbes, Darwin and language as an evolutionary advantage, Altruism and natural selection, Origin of language, Mill on happiness and other sources of moral decision-making, Mill’s psychology and ethology, Mill’s moral philosophy, Contemporary moral psychology, Sartre on human freedom and its implications for our future, Freedom and bad faith, Sartre versus Freud, Simone de Beauvoir and gender as social construction, The second sex by Beauvoir, Gender issues, Posthumanism and transhumanism, Technological Enhancement, Moral Enhancement) by Oxford University
  • Diploma in Origins of Human Behaviour (Human evolution as a progress, Phylogeny – human ancestors and primate cousins, The earliest hominins, The origins of bipedal locomotion, The evolution of the brain and intelligence, The origins of language, Sex and social organisation, Diet and subsistence, The origin of modern humans, The evolution of culture – art, symbolism and religion) by Oxford University
  • Diploma in Ritual and Religion in Prehistory (Defining ritual and religion, Evolution of religion and symbolism, Mortuary rituals, Domestic rituals, Totemism, animism and shamanism, Fertility cults and figurines, Ancestor cults and figures, Case study – Stonehenge, Cosmology, astronomy and sun cult in Peru, Deities, human sacrifice and votive offerings to gods) by Oxford University
  • Diploma in The First Civilization – Mesopotamia (The land of Mesopotamia, Uruk – The world’s first city and cities of the south, Cuneiform writing, cylinder seals and clay tablets, Sumerian religion and temples, The Sumerian King List, city-states and Gilgamesh – The perfect king, Death and burial, Sumer’s neighbours and trading, Sargon of Akkad and the culture of the first empire, The Sumerian ‘revival’, Sumerian legacy and Hammurapi of Babylon) by Oxford University
  • Diploma in Ancient Egypt (Worldview and geography, The Nile river and the inundation, Major cities and resources, The development of Egyptology, The Predynastic Period to the Early Dynastic Period, The Old Kingdom to the Middle Kingdom, The Second Intermediate Period to Alexander the Great, The Battle of Megiddo – analysing written evidence, Gods and their cults, Creation myths and the mythic environment, Egyptian temples and magic spells, Death and aspects of the soul, Mummification and afterlife beliefs, Burial customs, Development of art and crafts, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Art, Politics and government, The royal family’s daily life and duties, Female pharaohs, Palaces and Egyptian settlements, Exploring Deir el-Medina, The household and social pyramid, Morality and education, Language and literature, Scribes and the earliest hieroglyphs, Foreigners and Egyptianisation, Trade and diplomacy, Pre-New Kingdom and New Kingdom warfare) by Oxford University
  • Diploma in Greek Mythology (Myths and mythology, Iliad, Troy and the historicity of myth, Odyssey, allegory and comparative mythology, Hesiod – the origins of the Gods and the world, Sophokles’ Oedipus Rex, Freud and the psychoanalysis of myths, Hidden meanings – Medusa and Prometheus, Herakles’s labours – myth, art and ideology, Jason and the Argonauts, Structuralism and beyond, Plato and the myth of Atlantis) by Oxford University
  • Diploma in Vikings – Raiders, Traders and Settlers (Origins – Scandinavia in the pre-Viking period, The Scandinavian environment – geography and topography, Early Scandinavian prehistory 11,000–500 BC, The Early Iron Age c. 500 BC–AD 1, The Roman Iron Age c. AD 1–400, Later Iron Age – migration period c. AD 400–600, Late Iron Age c. AD 600–750, Viking society and the expansions, Rural settlement and population, Social structure and political consolidation, Scandinavian runes, Trading emporia in early medieval northern Europe, Archaeological evidence for Viking ships, The Vikings in Europe – the early raids, Early attacks on Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales, The Great Army in England, The Vikings in Europe – conquest and settlement, The Creation of the Danelaw and the Treaty of Wedmore, The defences created by Charles the Bald, The Alfredian burghal system, The creation of the Duchy of Normandy, Western expansion – the settlement of the Faeroes, Orkney, Shetland and Iceland, The Isle of Man, The Western Isles, Archaeological evidence for the Viking settlement in Iceland, The Viking trade routes in Europe, The Varangians and the Rus, The trade routes between the Baltic, Constantinople, Baghdad and further east, Greenland and Vinland – the Viking expansion westwards, The archaeology and economy of the Greenlandic settlements, L’Anse aux Meadows Norse settlement site, The collapse of the settlements in Greenland and Newfoundland, Pagan religions and the conversion to Christianity, Pagans and Christians, The Germanic deities, The Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda of Snorri Sturluson, Sámi religion and seiđr – witchcraft, Pagan cult sites, Pagan burial, The use of pagan myths in Christian contexts, Viking art – application and style, The sagas, Viking activity in late Anglo-Saxon England, The empire of Cnut, The last Viking attack on England, The end of the Viking era, Post-Viking Scandinavia and Christian Europe, Pilgrimages and Crusades, Hanseatic League) by Oxford University
  • Diploma in Where Two Hands Meet – Human Perfection in Ibn ‘Arabi’s Fusus al-hikam (An introduction to Ibn ‘Arabi and the Fusus al-hikam, Task – explore hearing, The life and times of Ibn ‘Arabi, Task – explore seeing, The Circle of Creation – unity and diversity, Task – explore breathing, The truly human being – Adam and the angels, Task – explore walking, Relationships of Dependence and Independence, Universals and particulars, The Two Hands, Task – explore the hands) by Oxford University
  • Diploma in Age of Revolution (The French Revolution, France under the Old Regime, Crisis of the Old Regime, The Estates General and street politics of the masses, The Declaration of the Rights of Man, Resistance to the revolution, Revolutionary wars: Regicide, terror and conflict, European war, Regicide – execution of Louis XVI, The Jacobin republic, The Terror, Downfall of Robespierre, The Directory, The struggle for hegemony in Europe, The first consul, Napoleon – emperor of France and the triumphant general, The Napoleonic Wars and the impact on Europe, James Gillray’s political artworks, Napoleon’s military failure and the end of an era, Restoration and repression: The Concert of Europe, The Congress of Vienna, Romantic nationalism, The Carlsbad Decrees and political repression, Decline of the congress system, Metternich’s Europe, The Age of Romanticism, Romantic Art by William Blake and Caspar David Friedrick, Romantic literature by Lord Byron, Wordsworth, John Keats and William Blake, Romantic architecture by Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Nationalism and the revolutionary underground, Independence in Greece, Rebellion and repression in Poland, The 1830 Revolution, ‘Young Italy’ and Mazzini, Civil war in Spain, Prussia and German nationalism, Crisis and the new industrial economy: ‘The Hungry Forties’, The Industrial Revolution in Europe, Traditional economies in the south and east, Pauperism, Harvest failure and political crisis, Assembly of Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia with United Diet, The Liberal Revolution, Outbreak of rebellion in Paris, 1848 – Revolution in Prussia, The Habsburg Empire, Political situations in Britain, Russia and Switzerland, ‘Springtime of the Peoples’, Louis Napoleon’s republic in France, The end of the Frankfurt Parliament, Foreign victory in Italy, War in Hungary, The failure of liberalism, Legacy of revolution, Age of Reaction, Industrial progress, Europe divided) by Oxford University
  • Diploma in Literary Theory (Meaning in literature, Literary Theory by Terry Eagleton, Approaches to literature, Literary criticism vs. literary theory, The Intentional Fallacy and The Affective Fallacy by Wimsatt and Beardsley, Russian Formalism and the New Criticism, Literary Theory by Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, The Art of Technique by Russian Formalist Viktor Shklovsky, The language of paradox in poetry and New Critic Cleanth Brooks, The Sick Rose by William Blake and close reading, Reader-response criticism, My Papa’s Waltz by Theodore Roethke, Hermeneutics and phenomenology, Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger, Wolfgang Iser’s implied reader, Hans Robert Jauss’s horizon of expectations, Stanley Fish’s interpretive communities, Structuralism, Semiotics by Ferdinand de Saussure, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, Saussure on sign, Signs in narratives by Roland Barthes, Roman Jakobson on language and literature – metaphor and metonymy, Reading like a structuralist, Post-structuralism, Post-structuralist critic – Jacques Derrida, Derrida on différance, Deconstruction and Jane Eyre, Reading like a post-structuralist, Psychoanalysis and literature, The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The foundation of psychoanalysis – Sigmund Freud, Reading like a Freudian, Post-Freudian critic – Jacques Lacan, Feminist literary theories, Literature and politics, Anglo-American and French feminism, Women’s writing and images of women criticism, Anxiety of authorship by Gilbert and Gubar, Gender and language, An imaginary utopia by Hélene Cixous, Reading like a feminist critic, Dialectics and Marxism, Ideology and literature, State power vs state control and interpellation of individuals by Louis Althusser, Reading like a Marxist critic, Cultural materialism, Post-colonial literary theory, Coloniser and colonised, Otherness in Heart of Darkness, Reading post-colonial literature, Edward Said on post-colonial literature, Edward Brathwaite’s analysis of Caribbean poetry, Theory’s relevance today, Recent developments in literary theory) by Oxford University
  • Diploma in Introduction to Philosophy (Definition and value of Philosophy, Socrates’ Apology and ‘the unexamined life’, Knowledge and arguments, Descartes’ Meditations and Cogito Ergo Sum, Descartes’ rationalism vs Hume’s empiricism, Free will and freedom, Cause/reason distinction and moral agents, Schopenhauer and Strawson on determinism, Existence, space, time and causality, Matter, law’s of nature and forces of the world, Relativism, realism, idealism, realism, conceptualism and nominalism, Galileo and Descartes on properties of material substances, Locke and Berkeley on primary and secondary qualities, Kant and transcendental idealism, Morality and ethical dilemmas, Meta-ethics – clarifying ethical concepts, Ethical methodology – reliable methods on validating morality, Normative ethics – systematic and comprehensive system of rules, Deontological ethics and moral obligation, Consequentialist ethics and outcomes of actions, Virtue ethics and moral character, Kant and Hume on morality, Utilitarianism – for and against, Thought experiment – The trolley problem, Thought experiment – Nicholas the Merchant and the Oxford Riots) by Oxford University
  • Diploma in Theory of Knowledge (Propositional knowledge and ability knowledge, Knowledge versus mere true belief, Instrumental value vs Intrinsic Value, Useful false belief and trivial true belief, The value of knowledge, The statues of Daedalus, What is knowledge?, Problem of Criterion, Methodism and Particularism, The tripartite account of knowledge, The Gettier Problem, Gettier-style cases, Non-epistemological Gettier-style cases, Agrippa’s trilemma, Classical and non-classical foundationalism, Descartes’ Epistemology, Epistemic foundations, Rationality and justification, Epistemic rationality, The externalism/internalism distinction, Pascal’s wager, Virtue epistemology, Reliabilism, Aristotle, Ethics and epistemology, The sources of knowledge – perception, The argument from illusion and indirect realism, Primary and secondary qualities, Idealism, John Locke, George Berkeley and Immanuel Kant, The philosophy of perception and the cognitive sciences, The sources of knowledge II – testimony and memory, Reductionism and credulism, Credulism and epistemic externalism, Memorial knowledge, David Hume and Thomas Reid, The sources of knowledge III – deduction and induction, The problem of induction, Responding to the problem of induction, Karl Popper and the logic of falsification, Pragmatism and epistemic rationality, Indirect epistemic rationality, Radical scepticism, The problem of other minds, Sceptical hypotheses, Scepticism and the principle of closure, J. S. Mill and G. E. Moore, Radical scepticism and radical sceptics, Truth and objectivity, Realism and objectivity, Truth and authenticity, Contra relativism) by Oxford University
  • Diploma in Political Philosophy – An Introduction (Politics, Philosophy and Political philosophy, Defining politics, Various philosophical approaches to politics, Political Philosophy vs Political Science, Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau on The State of Nature, Justifying the state, Political obligation and the social contract, Locke and consent, Tacit consent and Hume’s criticisms, Hypothetical consent, Justifying the state, Utilitarianism by Jeremy Bentham, The utilitarian theory of political obligation, The principle of fairness by H. L. A. Hart, Democracy – General conceptual issues, Plato against democracy, Analysing Plato’s argument, Responding to Plato, Defending democracy, Rousseau – defender of direct democracy, Mill on representative democracy, Liberty, Mill on liberty and the harm principle, James Fitzjames Stephen, Sir Patrick Devlin and H. L. A. Hart, The Rushdie affair, Private property and the market, Abolishing property?, Thomas More’s Utopia, Gerrard Winstanley’s The Law of Freedom in a Platform, Locke on property, Rawls’s theory of justice, Rawls’s hypothetical contract, difference principle and original position, Feminism and criticisms of liberalism, Liberalism and Feminism, Alternatives to liberal individualism, Radical theories: Marxism and socialism, Communitarianism, Conservativism, Non-Western traditions) by Oxford University
  • Diploma in Reality, Being and Existence – Metaphysics (Defining Metaphysics, Ontology and Change, Metaphysics vs epistemology, Meta-metaphysics, Quine on existence – ‘On What There Is’, Ontological disputes, Existence of ideas in the mind – Pegasus and Sherlock Holmes, Plato’s beard and Occam’s razor, Wyman’s possibilia and Russell’s Theory of Descriptions, Plato’s Parmenides – ‘One over many’, Plato’s Republic – ‘Theory of Forms’ and ‘Allegory of the cave’, Plato vs Aristotle on universals and particulars, Armstrong on universals, Realism and John Locke’s ‘Essay Concerning Human Understanding’, Idealism and Berkeley’s ‘Three Dialogues’, Primary and secondary qualities – arguments on mind dependent vs mind independent, Free will and determinism, Hard determinism, libertarianism and compatibilism, The problem of the freedom of the will, Van Inwagen – ‘The Incompatibility of Free Will and Determinism’, Causality – cause and effect, Hume on causation and ‘Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding’, Space and time, Leibniz–Newton debate, Leibniz–Clarke correspondence, Smart – ‘The Space-Time World’, The reality of time, McTaggart on the nature of existence, Past, present, future and flow of time) by Oxford University
  • Diploma in The Nature and Existence of God (Introduction – religious language, God’s nature – being all powerful; being all-knowing; being perfectly good; being omnipresent; being incorporeal; being eternal, God’s existence – ontological argument; cosmological arguments; design arguments, Religious experience, The problem of evil) by Oxford University
  • Diploma in Public Policy Economics (The aims of public policy, Original purpose of economic policy, Classical role of the state, Economic policy in the twentieth century, Welfare state in the UK and Social security in the USA, Share of taxation in GDP, The range of economic policies, Taxing, borrowing and spending, Rationales for economic policies, Market failure and government failure – the public choice revolution, The boundary of government and the market, James Buchanan’s economics, Social welfare and growth, Value of GDP, Growth and sustainability, China as a case study, Measuring welfare, Human Development Index (HDI), Dashboard of indicators for measurement, Social Progress Index, Distribution of income and social welfare, John Rawls’ ‘veil of ignorance’ and inequality, The well-being revolution in public policy, What are market failures?, Congestion externalities, How to tackle externalities, The Coase theorem, The limits of market solutions, Institutionalist economics by Elinor Ostrom, Nationalisation and privatisation, What can go wrong? The example of UK rail privatisation, Regulating privatised industries, Deregulating taxis and Uber case, France’s ‘taxi wars’, Competition and regulation, ‘Horizontal’ industrial policy, The Asian model of industrial policy, Strategic innovation policies, Government’s role in the internet and the World Wide Web, Government investment in R & D, Social choice and individual choice, The dangers of the ‘states versus markets’ perspective, Institutional approaches, Exit, voice and loyalty by Hirschman, Social capital and social norms, Positional goods, Institutions and public sector reform, Healthcare, Public service motivations, Social security, The growth of the welfare state, Inequality and redistribution, Minimum wages, Negative income tax and basic income, Pension provision, Social security in development, What is behavioural economics?, Nudging, Pensions, Behavioural regulation, Behavioural economics in development, The ethics of nudging and paternalism, Government failure and counterproductive regulations, Collective action and interest groups, Corruption, Megaproject disasters, Benefit-cost analysis, Contingent valuation and stated preference, Public value, Randomised control trials) by Oxford University
  • Diploma in Artificial Intelligence Concepts: An Introduction (What is intelligence?, What is artificial intelligence?, Ancient robots and the Turing Test, Weak vs Strong AI, Brief History of AI, The Golden Age of AI with IBM’s Deep Blue and Watson, Moore’s Law, Applications of AI, AI and society, Data governance, AI and Equality, AI and employment, Economic opportunities of AI, Risks of AI, Ethical risks to society and accountability, Systems and agents, Concept of an agent, Structure of an agent, Rational vs Perfect agents, Designing AI agents, Task environments, Simple reflex agent – Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN), Model-based reflex agents, Goal-based agents, Utility-based agents, Logic and language, Imitating mathematical intelligence, Propositional logic, Designing mathematical languages, Gödel’s incompleteness, Solving mathematical problems with AI, The Halting problem, Expert systems, Representing knowledge, Forward and Backward chaining, Advantages and disadvantages of expert systems, Connectionist models, Biological neural network and Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Building blocks of a neural network, Backpropagation algorithm, Designing an ANN, AI in the 21st century, Big Data and the Internet, AI in healthcare and automobiles, Cybersecurity, Machine translation, Future of AI and sustainable resource consumption, Employment and AI, Ethics of AI, What is data science? Data science processes, Autoencoders, Data imputation, What is machine learning?, Supervised learning vs Unsupervised learning vs Reinforcement Learning, Why test AI systems?, Software lifecycle costs, AI/ML deployment by companies, Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), Ethical dilemmas, Adversarial inputs, Testing in machine learning, AI within wider systems) by Oxford University
  • Diplomas in Taoism (History, Main ideas and practicality, Creators and contributors, Symbolism, Books and resources) by Centre of Excellence
  • Diplomas in Stoicism (History, Main ideas and practicality, Creators and contributors, Books and resources) by Centre of Excellence
  • Certificate in Chinese Culture (History, Politics, Philosophy and religion, Literature and arts, Symbolism, Traditional festivals and customs, Science and technology, Sports and martial arts, Culinary culture, Clothing and adornment) by China Explore Adam
  • Certificate in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy Seminars by Center of Lifelong Learning Tsaousi
  • Attended Jung, Myth, and the Archetypal Imagination Course (Myth as hero by James Hillman, Jung – man of science and visionary, Mythic figures, Archetypes of the collective unconscious, Mandalas and the psychological process of individuation, Jungian perspective on symbols and metaphors, Carl Jung’s journey from God by Pravin Thevathasan, The archetypes, Is the modern psyche undergoing a collective rite of passage? by Richard Tarnas, Telemachus’ rite of passage, Dear grey eyes by C. Downing, Poseidon vs Athena – Gods and Goddesses of the Odyssey, Hermes’ hymn from the Odyssey, Anima Mundi by James Hillman, Introduction & the function of myth by R. Segal, On synchronicity by Carl Jung, Richard Tarnas on synchronicity – before and after Carl Jung, The hero’s adventure from Joseph Campbell and the power of myth, Odysseus – Mythmaker, warrior and king, The Odyssey & individuation, ‘The Warrior’ by Robert Moore, ‘The King’ by Robert Moore, The Red Book – Jung and the profoundly personal by James Hillman, The mythic imagination by Robert Moore, Archetypal roles of Athena, Circe, Calypso, Nausicaa and Penelope, Symbolic rituals and altars, Iliad & Odyssey by Campbell, Trauma and the informed heart – Donald Kalsched, The Eumenides Lines from The Oresteia by Aeschylus) by Philosophical Research Society
  • Attended Language and Identity seminar (Culture, Language and Identity, Language and Social Class, Language and Gender, Attitudes to Language) by Oxford University
  • Attended History and Myth in Painting, Sculpture and Photography (Heroism, war, history and myth in the art of the ancient world, the art of the Renaissance – Baroque and the 19th – early 20th centuries until today) by Oxford University


Business and Personal Development

  • Author, Coach and Content Creator
  • Co-owner of the award-winning and successful Start-up Mobile App SpinDeals app
  • Diploma in Marketing Studies (Marketing Management, Business Organisation, Commercial Law, Economics, Statistics) by The Cyprus Institute of Marketing
  • Certificate in AML (Anti-Money Laundering) by CySEC
  • Certificate in Image Consulting Course (Dressing, Body Language, Manners & Etiquette) by IAP Career College
  • Certificates in The Secrets of Body Language and Digital Body Language Courses by Vanessa Van Edwards
  • Studied Master your People Skills Course by Vanessa Van Edwards
  • Studied The Art of Networking Course by The Art of Charm
  • ECDL Certificate including all the modules by European Computer Driving License Foundation
  • Certificate in Barista Course (including Chinese & Japanese Tea Ceremonies and Cacao) by Alchemy Bartending School
  • Certificate in ITA Certified Tea Sommelier by International Tea Academy (Foundations of Chinese tea, International tea industry, Chinese tea ceremony and history, The art and science of brewing tea, Traditional Chinese methods, The Five Elements theory, Tea blending)
  • Attended Entrepreneur Bootcamp by John Lee


Fitness and Martial Arts

  • Diploma in Health & Fitness, Personal Training and Fitness Instructing level 3 (Anatomy, Basic nutrition, Gym and bodyweight exercises, Periodisation, Coaching, Functional training, Circuit training, Suspended movement, Kettlebell training) by Premier Global NASM
  • Diploma in 200 hours Yoga Alliance Teacher (History and Philosophy of Yoga, Asanas, Pranayamas, Mantras, Mudras, Meditation, Kriyas, Ayurveda, Anatomy, Kundalini) by Yoga Europe School
  • Instructor in Xinjia Chen-style Tai Chi Chuan / Taiji Quan (Zhan zhuang – Standing meditation, Daoist breathing and Seated meditation, Ji ben gong – fundamentals, Chan Si Gong – Silk reeling qigong, Yilu – First form, Erlu – Second form or Cannon fist, Tui shou – Pushing hands and Gunshu – Staff) by Taichi & Qigong Internal Arts Neigong Academy Cyprus
  • Ambassador in Cyprus under Filipino Combat Systems / FCS Kali (Impact weapons, Bladed weapons, Empty hands, Silat and Dumog – Grappling)
  • Assistant Instructor in Goeksel-style Wing Chun / Ving Tsun Kung Fu (Siu Nim Tao – Little Idea, Chum Kiu – Seeking the bridge, Muk Jan Chong – Wooden dummy, Chi sau – Sticky hands) by G.E. Ving Tsun Kung Fu Cyprus
  • Student of Shifu Lindsey Wei by Chun Yang Sect of Wudang (Qi Gong Fundamentals, Bone Marrow Washing, Daoist Mudras and Meditation, Cosmic Movement – Intro to Ba Gua, Long Men – Dragon Gate teachings, Chinese Cosmology and Mythology, Daoist Symbolism, Yang Sheng Gong – Life nourishing, Nei Guan – Inner observation, Cultivation of Xing and Ming, Neidan – Internal Alchemy, Xiao Zhou Tian – Microcosmic Orbit, Nei Jing Tu – Inner landscape diagram, Five Healing Sounds,  Daoist home altar, Incense ceremony and Bowing, Cun Xiang – Visualisation of deities, Body spirits, Zhe Long Fa – Sleeping dragon method)
  • Blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu by 5 Rounds MMA
  • Background in Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling, Mixed Martial Arts and Shaolin Kung Fu / Wushu
  • Certificate in 5 Element Qigong Course and 8 Trigram Organ Qigong Course by White Tiger Qigong
  • Attended Harmonising of the 5 Elements (Neidan / Neigong / Internal Alchemy and Meditation) Live Workshops and studied The Microcosmic Orbit Course & Yi Jin Jing by Damo Mitchell from Lotus Nei Gong
  • Certificate in Brain Coaching Course by Dr. Kristen Willuemier
  • Attended Live Workshops with Grand Master Bobby Taboada from Balintawak Arnis Cuentada Taboada System
  • Attended Live Workshops with Guro Daniel Lonero from XTMA using Inosanto method on Kali, Silat & Boxing with Guest star, Guro Damon Caro (Senior Instructor under Guro Dan Inosanto)
  • Attended Live Workshops with Guro Jay Jasper Pugao from Visayan Style Corto Kadena Larga Mano Eskrima
  • Studied Tri-V Curriculum by Tuhon Jared Wihongi from Pekiti Tirsia Tactical Association and Emotional Candy Series: The Artful Pursuit of Combat featuring Doug Marcaida
  • Studied Mastering Sumbrada (The Bones, The Meat) by Guro Mark Mikita
  • Studied Silat, Panantukan – The Art of Weaponized Empty Hands and Kali – Way of the Weapon by Sakan Lam from Core Combat Chiang Mai
  • Certificate in Elite Calisthenics Specialist Course by Calisthenics Kingz
  • Certificate in Primal Kettlebell Course by Onnit’s Senior Instructor Eric Leija
  • Studied Enter the Kettlebell Course by Pavel Tsatsouline
  • Studied Introduction to Indian Clubs Course by FMS and Clubbell Mass Evolution by Onnit’s Master Instructor Shane Heins
  • Studied Ageless Mobility, Circular Strength Training Group Exercise and TACFIT – King of Clubs Courses by Scott Sonnon
  • Studied Steve Maxwell’s Workouts & Seminars (Encyclopedia of Joint Mobility, Integrated Breathing, Ladder and Hypoxic Training, Spartan 300 Workout, Travelogues)
  • Studied GMB Fitness Courses (Elements, Floor One, Parallettes One and Two, Rings One and Two)
  • Studied Gymnastic Bodies Courses (Fundamentals, Foundation One, Stretch Series)


Every single day I learn and grow from different experiences and resources. That’s why this website is about upgrading my life and if you are like me then join us and you can upgrade it along with us. Moreover you can check out what others think of working with me and more of my work.  If you like the website’s content and want to book for personal coaching or contact for other business inquiries then you can do so via the social media accounts.